Used Vauxhall Maidenhead, Berkshire

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✅Arriving This Weekend! VAUXHALL CORSA 1.4i 16v SE 5dr (a/c)
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1.4i 16v SE 5dr (a/c) (2010)


  • Car Type CATEGORYHatchback
  • Transmission TRANSMISSIONAuto
  • MILEAGE76,500
  • Fuel FUELPetrol
  • CC CC1,364CC
  • CO2138

Used Vauxhall in Maidenhead, Berkshire

Vauxhall is one of the oldest vehicle manufacturers in the UK, and it has a rich history of producing cars and vans to suit a whole range of drivers. Possibly one of the most popular of all the Vauxhall range has to be the Vauxhall Astra, the first car of choice for many new drivers and yet a big enough vehicle to accommodate a family. Most salespeople will recognise the Vectra, the almost de-facto standard reps car from the 2000's which is an absolute workhorse of a vehicle. For small city cars, you can’t go far wrong than invest in a Corsa, a super-mini that is loved throughout Europe with its funky styling coupled with excellent technology and exceptional safety features. Later models that have kept the brand in the forefront of people’s minds and improved upon the solid history are the Crossland X and GrandlandX –SUV crossovers that offer style, space and a solid driving experience. There’s also the Insignia range that has taken over from the Vectra and offers even more space and a superb driving experience. Of course, for those looking for a compact car with the ultimate in economy, there’s the Adam range, a superior European style supermini. Call +44 7548 948610 to find your next used Vauxhall, or come and visit us at our showroom -HS Platinum in Berkshire